Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Letter to David

Dear David,

I have been pondering upon the comment you left for me on my blog entitled "A Rose By Any Other Name Is Still A Rose" and that brings me to why I am now writing to you. I am writing publicly to you to give my response to  your comment because I have no way to contact you privately since I don't know you. And please, this is not an invitation for you to give me your email address to debate or argue in private either. As you can see your comment on what I wrote still remains unpublished and yes, it will remain that way.

I do not write my blog to argue or debate with anyone. I do not write it to force anyone to read it or to force change in anyones thinking.  In this particular blog my only agenda was to very nicely share with others something I had been pondering on for quite some time now. I did not write it to convince anyone about the place of God or Jesus (or any other being of any kind) in their lives. I did not write my blog to debate the meanings of the names of God. I did not write my blog to argue about where Jesus fits into the whole picture. As I stated, I was simply sharing what I have learned to be true. There were no hidden meanings nor arguments for or against anyones beliefs.

I welcome criticisms to my writing abilities as a whole and will gladly publish most any comment that speaks of my ability or inability to write my thoughts. Actually I would probably publish most any comment as long as it pertains to what I have written in some way. However, I will not now or ever welcome or publish comments that are meant as argument or debate unless of course I mention that I am writing something specifically to debate on some issue. That however is highly unlikely since as the name of my blog space calls attention to, it is meant just to share thoughts, stories in my life or other things I happen to ponder upon. My blogs are written for anyone to read who happens to enjoy them. However, since it seems you do not agree with my writing and wish to argue or debate your "cause" I ask you, I encourage you actually to choose not to read my blog again.

Now, this letter has been written with firmness but yet with a friendly peacefulness. I ask that you take it in the way it is intended.

Thank you,

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