Just look:
Good posture
Crescent moon posture:
Oops, that is a picture of an actual crescent moon. My bad, I meant to show you a picture of bad posture which reminds me of a crescent moon so let me try this again.
Bad posture:
Alright, now that we have that all straightened out I come to the point of my blog. After coming to the place where I realized I have bad posture which is not only bad for my appearance but is also bad for my health and is probably the cause of why I have a hard time sleeping due to my back and shoulders, even my hips bothering me frequently. I also find that when I look in the mirror I look heavier and rounder than I should and it is not due to being fat, it is due to the way I carry myself or as is the actual case, the way I slump when I walk, sit and stand. So, I have made a decision. Are you ready to hear my life changing decision? OK, you have to go to the next paragraph to read it.
I have decided to truly commit to correcting my posture. I do not want to hurt myself, nor do I want to look like a crippled up little old woman when it is not a necessity in my life. Alhamdulillah, I don't have arthritis or some kind of spinal disease, back injury or any other reason to have a back that looks like a crescent moon.
So starting on the first of this month which is Aug. 2011 I made a point to spend 10 minutes to 45 minutes at a time (longer periods as the day goes on) standing or sitting with perfect posture, back straight but not rigid, chest lifted out so it's not leaning down on my tummy, and stomach held tightly in. I practice this when I am doing my 5 daily prayers and extra prayers which vary in duration. I also make a point to try to sit with very good posture while I am eating a meal or sitting with my laptop. Insha Allah I will do this every time I eat or pray or play on my lappy for 1 month with great focus. My hope being that after a month I will again have begun the good habit of posture so therefore will maintain it.
Doesn't really sound like much does it? Well, I have to tell you. I have learned something already. When you slowly over many years lose your good posture you also lose the strength in those muscles that you are no longer using, tummy, abdomen, back, chest...all of them. And as with any exercise program my muscles are screaming at me but now, on day 5 they are screaming a little less loudly than they did on days 3 & 4. Those days were really difficult but I stuck to my guns and got through them successfully. My hope is that now it will become a little easier and not hurt so much by the end of each day.
I have also learned something else. After only 3 days of practicing good posture I do not hurt in my neck, back or hips in the night. That of course is bringing about better sleep and since this is Ramadan for us Muslims (which I will Insha Allah try to tell you about in another blog) and due to where we live, my nights are not too long right now so I really appreciate getting the sound sleep I am being blessed with already. Alhamdulillah!
Ok, that is the curved and the straight of my little story on posture. I will try to update at the end of the month and let you know if I am a success story or not in my undertaking. I am hoping and praying for the best Insha Allah Ameen.
Ok, I know it may take more than a month to have perfect posture again...or at least very good posture but at least I am working on it. Here's to good posture. WoooHooo!
Me in the not to distant future Insha Allah:

I applaud you for taking the first step to better your posture! I hope it gets easier with time. I also realized my lack of good posture several months back. Although there are many varieties of back support in the market, I found some thrifty remedies to correct my posture within a short period of time. They may not work for everyone but I'm happy to share them with you if there is any possibility that they might be helpful.
ReplyDeleteFor one, I started sleeping on my firm bed without a pillow. This can be uncomfortable for some and it is essential that you sleep with your face up to avoid potential neck injuries. It's a common technique and I believe it to be the most fastidious of them all. I also used a long, sturdy cotton scarf to tie around my back and chest like a pretzel. It served as a store-bought back support and worked just as well.
I realize that this post was written a couple of months ago but I have personally found bad posture to be a reoccurring issue. For this reason, I strongly feel that your method may be more effective than anything I have already mentioned. Good posture is a habit. You have inspired me to make it one of mine as well. Thank you.